
Dr. Mark Mills

Prior to studying medicine, Mark worked for 6 years as a Radiation Therapist at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney, and locally at The Calvary Mater Oncology Unit. At age 27, he started his medical degree at Newcastle University and gained a Bachelor of Medicine with Honours in 2003. Mark spent the next few years working in the public hospital system in Newcastle and Maitland. During this time, he worked for six months in Paediatrics at John Hunter Hospital and undertook additional studies in Paediatrics to gain a Diploma in Child Health through Westmead Children’s Hospital. He entered the GP Training Program in 2006 and became a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners in 2009. In 2012, Mark completed further training through the University of QLD to gain a Certificate in Primary Care Skin Cancer Medicine. Mark loves working in General Practice because of the variety of medicine it offers and the variety of people that he meets. He find it very challenging but also extremely rewarding, and particularly enjoys being involved in the medical care of entire families – mums, dads, and their kids. In some cases even several generations of a family! This is experience is unique to working in General Practice, and Mark feels privileged to have the opportunity to work so closely with people and build trust through a long term relationship with them. Mark enjoys all areas of medicine but in particular paediatrics, adolescent health, men’s health, general medicine, and skin cancer medicine. Outside of work, Mark enjoys spending time with his wife and two children, and they have an active lifestyle with a focus on health and fitness. He also particularly enjoys surfing, skateboarding, attending the gym, and loves coffee!



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Dr Ellie Summers

February 18, 2019 by Dr.Peter Cooke

Appletree Family Practice welcomes Dr Ellie Summers. Dr Ellie Summers is a family GP with extensive experience. Ellie is currently seeing new patients on T [ ... ]


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GP Training

February 18, 2019 by Dr.Peter Cooke

Appletree Family Practice welcomes Dr Yin Lin, Dr Johann Lenffer and Dr Ashwarya Nath. Appletree Family practice proudly participates in GP training progra [ ... ]


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Our Email

February 18, 2019 by Michelle Horswood

Appletree Family Practice would like to advise that [email protected] is an un-monitored mailbox. We value patient privacy and email i [ ... ]


General Information


Welcome Dr Catherine Lau

January 9, 2017 by Dr. John Stanton

We would like to welcome Dr Lau back to the Appletree Family! Dr Lau will be joining the Appletree team on a fulltime basis commencing the 9th January 20 [ ... ]